Saturday Tom graduated, but I didn't have my memory card in my camera so no pictures. If you have any pics e-mail them to me please!!On Sunday Hailee and I enjoyed a nice bike ride along the beach with Aunt Lisa. Hailee had a blast, but man was it a work out!!
Hailee's new cheesy smile!!
had a big Family dinner down at the Whales Tail
visited with family
went in the hot tub
and tried to take a nap in the dresser (lol Hailee thought it was a pretty cool fort)
Monday we went to the park. It was such a nice day out the Grandma's really enjoyed it.
Tuesday we played beauty salon and cut and colored Grandma Gwen's hairWednesday we said our goodbyes
and enjoyed a quiet evening of dress up
3 days ago
okay I am awful! Here is the recipe. Please forgive me it took forever!!
8 oz cream cheese
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
garlic salt to taste
mix all that up together
spread that on dish, then 1/2 bottle chilli sauce on top and then 8 oz of crab meat cut up on top. serve with wheat thins! Yummy!!
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